Interface: NBTSkullOwner

# Interface: NBTSkullOwner

If the NBTInventoryItem is a skull type this will describe it's skull information.

# Properties

# ExtraProperties

Optional ExtraProperties: { profileId?: number ; profileName?: number ; signatureRequired?: boolean ; textures: { SKIN: { url: string } } ; timestamp?: number }[]

If the original textures array had more than 1 element, the first will appear under Properties and the remainder will appear in this array below.

Defined in: helpers/TransformItemData.ts:130 (opens new window)

# Id

Id: string

Defined in: helpers/TransformItemData.ts:114 (opens new window)

# Properties

Properties: null | { profileId?: number ; profileName?: number ; signatureRequired?: boolean ; textures: { SKIN: { url: string } } ; timestamp?: number }

Defined in: helpers/TransformItemData.ts:115 (opens new window)