Interface: PlayerTourney

# Interface: PlayerTourney


Aside from the properties in the schema this object contains properties who's keys follow a format like "GAMEMODE_TYPE_NUMBER". e.g. "sw_insane_doubles_0". These fit the "PlayerTourneyGameData" schema.

# Indexable

▪ [name: string]: undefined | number | string | boolean | { [name: string]: number; } | PlayerTourneyGameData

Aside from the properties in the schema this object contains properties who's keys follow a format like "GAMEMODE_TYPE_NUMBER". e.g. "sw_insane_doubles_0". These fit the "PlayerTourneyGameData" schema.

# Properties

# first_join_lobby

Optional first_join_lobby: number

Defined in: types/api.ts:1956 (opens new window)

# hide_purchased

Optional hide_purchased: boolean

Defined in: types/api.ts:1957 (opens new window)

# playtime

Optional playtime: object

# Type declaration:

Defined in: types/api.ts:1958 (opens new window)

# shop_sort

Optional shop_sort: string

Defined in: types/api.ts:1961 (opens new window)

# total_tributes

Optional total_tributes: number

Defined in: types/api.ts:1962 (opens new window)