Interface: SkyBlockProfileDungeonType

# Interface: SkyBlockProfileDungeonType


# Properties

# best_runs

Optional best_runs: object

The property key is the floor these run stats were achieved on.

# Type declaration:

Defined in: types/api.ts:2776 (opens new window)

# best_score

Optional best_score: object

The property key is the floor number this score was achieved on.

# Type declaration:

Defined in: types/api.ts:2782 (opens new window)

# experience

Optional experience: number

The amount of exp this profile member has in this dungeon type.

Defined in: types/api.ts:2788 (opens new window)

# fastest_time

Optional fastest_time: object

The property key is the floor number this time was achieved on.

# Type declaration:

Defined in: types/api.ts:2792 (opens new window)

# fastest_time_s

Optional fastest_time_s: object

Fastest time for an S completion. The property key is the floor number this time was achieved on.

# Type declaration:

Defined in: types/api.ts:2798 (opens new window)

# fastest_time_s_plus

Optional fastest_time_s_plus: object

Fastest time for an S+ completion. The property key is the floor number this time was achieved on.

# Type declaration:

Defined in: types/api.ts:2804 (opens new window)

# highest_tier_completed

Optional highest_tier_completed: number

Highest dungeon tier the profile member has completed of this type.

Defined in: types/api.ts:2810 (opens new window)

# mobs_killed

Optional mobs_killed: object

The property key is the floor number these mobs were killed on.

# Type declaration:

Defined in: types/api.ts:2814 (opens new window)

# most_damage_archer

Optional most_damage_archer: object

The most damage this profile member has dealt in a single run as an archer. The object key is the floor number.

# Type declaration:

Defined in: types/api.ts:2820 (opens new window)

# most_damage_berserk

Optional most_damage_berserk: object

The most damage this profile member has dealt in a single run as a berserker. The object key is the floor number.

# Type declaration:

Defined in: types/api.ts:2826 (opens new window)

# most_damage_mage

Optional most_damage_mage: object

The most damage this profile member has dealt in a single run as a mage. The object key is the floor number.

# Type declaration:

Defined in: types/api.ts:2832 (opens new window)

# most_damage_tank

Optional most_damage_tank: object

The most damage this profile member has dealt in a single run as a tank. The object key is the floor number.

# Type declaration:

Defined in: types/api.ts:2838 (opens new window)

# most_healing

Optional most_healing: object

The most healing this profile member has performed in a single run. The object key is the floor number.

# Type declaration:

Defined in: types/api.ts:2844 (opens new window)

# most_mobs_killed

Optional most_mobs_killed: object

The most mobs this profile member has killed in a single run. The object key is the floor number.

# Type declaration:

Defined in: types/api.ts:2850 (opens new window)

# tier_completions

Optional tier_completions: object

The amount of times this profile member has completed each floor. The object key is the floor number.

# Type declaration:

Defined in: types/api.ts:2856 (opens new window)

# times_played

Optional times_played: object

The amount of times this profile member has attempted each floor. The object key is the floor number.

# Type declaration:

Defined in: types/api.ts:2862 (opens new window)

# watcher_kills

Optional watcher_kills: object

The amount of times this profile member has killed the watcher. The object key is the floor number.

# Type declaration:

Defined in: types/api.ts:2868 (opens new window)