Interface: Game

# Interface: Game

Information about a specific game. When a field is not present you should fallback to the provided default if there is one, required fields will always exist. example: { "id": 58, "name": "Bed Wars", "databaseName": "Bedwars", "modeNames": { "BEDWARS_TWO_FOUR": "4v4", "BEDWARS_EIGHT_ONE": "Solo" } }

# Properties

# databaseName

databaseName: string

The key used for database storage, such as for stats. example: Bedwars

# id

id: number

The backend ID of the game. example: 1

# legacy?

optional legacy: boolean

True if the game is legacy and part of the Classic Lobby.

# modeNames?

optional modeNames: unknown

A map of mode key to display name example: { "solo_normal": "Solo", "team_normal": "Doubles" }

# name

name: string

The display name of the game. example: Bed Wars

# retired?

optional retired: boolean

True if the game is retired and no longer playable.