Namespace: Schemas

# Namespace: Schemas


# Table of contents

# Interfaces

# Type aliases

# ChallengeData

Ƭ ChallengeData: { id: string ; name: string ; rewards: { amount: number ; type: string }[] }[]

Defined in: types/api.ts:150 (opens new window)

# NewsEntries

Ƭ NewsEntries: NewsEntry[]

Defined in: types/api.ts:419 (opens new window)

# NullablePlayer

Ƭ NullablePlayer: Player | null

Defined in: types/api.ts:437 (opens new window)

# PlayerFireworksStorage

Ƭ PlayerFireworksStorage: { colors: string ; fade_colors: string ; flight_duration: number ; selected: boolean ; shape?: string ; trail: boolean ; twinkle: boolean }[]

Defined in: types/api.ts:1062 (opens new window)

# PlayerSocialMedia

Ƭ PlayerSocialMedia: PlayerSocialMediaLinks & { [name: string]: string | boolean | PlayerSocialMediaLinks; links: PlayerSocialMediaLinks ; prompt: boolean }

Defined in: types/api.ts:1490 (opens new window)

# PlayerStatsBedwars

Ƭ PlayerStatsBedwars: PlayerStatsGameMode & PlayerStatsBedwarsInfo & PlayerStatsBedwarsStats

Stats for bedwars.

Defined in: types/api.ts:1554 (opens new window)

# QuestDataArray

Ƭ QuestDataArray: { description: string ; id: string ; name: string ; objectives: { id: string ; integer?: number ; type: string }[] ; requirements: { type: string }[] ; rewards: { amount?: number ; package?: string ; type: string }[] }[]

Defined in: types/api.ts:2015 (opens new window)

# SkyBlockProfile

Ƭ SkyBlockProfile: { autodelete?: boolean ; banking?: SkyBlockProfileBanking ; community_upgrades?: SkyBlockProfileCommunityUpgrades ; game_mode?: string ; members: { [name: string]: SkyBlockProfileMember; } ; profile_id: string } | null

Defined in: types/api.ts:2571 (opens new window)

# SkyBlockProfileCuteName

Ƭ SkyBlockProfileCuteName: { autodelete?: boolean ; banking?: SkyBlockProfileBanking ; community_upgrades?: SkyBlockProfileCommunityUpgrades ; cute_name: string ; game_mode?: string ; members: { [name: string]: SkyBlockProfileMember; } ; profile_id: string } | null

Defined in: types/api.ts:2732 (opens new window)

# SkyBlockProfileDungeonBlahBlah

Ƭ SkyBlockProfileDungeonBlahBlah: string[]

Array of values, each value describing a dungeon NPC the profile member has spoken to.

Defined in: types/api.ts:2757 (opens new window)

# SkyBlockProfileDungeonJournalEntries

Ƭ SkyBlockProfileDungeonJournalEntries: number[]

Defined in: types/api.ts:2771 (opens new window)

# SkyBlockProfileDungeonTypeFloorRun

Ƭ SkyBlockProfileDungeonTypeFloorRun: { ally_healing?: number ; damage_dealt: number ; damage_mitigated: number ; deaths: number ; dungeon_class: string ; elapsed_time: number ; mobs_killed: number ; score_bonus: number ; score_exploration: number ; score_skill: number ; score_speed: number ; secrets_found: number ; teammates: string[] ; timestamp: number }[]

Defined in: types/api.ts:2872 (opens new window)

# SkyBlockProfilePets

Ƭ SkyBlockProfilePets: SkyBlockProfilePet[]

Defined in: types/api.ts:3371 (opens new window)